Permits are required of residents and non-residents to sell or possess any native Illinois reptiles and amphibians. This includes those that are not endangered/threatened such as (to name just a few) bull snakes, black and gray rat snakes, speckled and eastern black kings, red-eared sliders, painted turtles, map turtles, as well as several other species of lizards, turtles, frogs, toads, salamanders, and snakes. It also includes those that ARE endangered/threatened (E/T) such as (to name just a few) alligator snapping turtles, western and Mexican hognose, Great Plains rat snakes, and any hybrid/cross of an E/T species such as scaleless corns, creamsicle corns, root beer corns, and any other such crosses. Some rear-fanged colubrids are regulated, as well as crocodilians.
Permits for E/T species take on average 60 days to process, so there may not be time between now and the March Tinley show for those applications. However, processing E/T permits after the March show can get vendors legal for the October Tinley show. Permits for native species that are not E/T can be applied for up to February 28, 2020.
Any questions about permits can be directed to Scott Ballard, IL Dept. Natural Resources, at 618.694.3398 or email him at
Herp Code Statute --
Scott Ballard
IL Dept. Natural Resources
Southern Region E&T Recovery Species Specialist/Herpetologist
1027 S. Division St.
Carterville, IL 62918
(618) 694-3398 state cell
Please note new address/contact info above