No live animals are allowed as donations at the USARK auction for Dallas.
Where is the auction held?
Stop at the USARK booth to check on the auction location, but it is always at the host hotel or show convention center.
When should I get there?
Preview at 5:30 and auction begins at 6 pm with a cash bar and free appetizers until they run out.
What is the Auction for?
The auction is our way of supporting USARK. It's a great time for getting together after the show on Saturday night with friends from all over the world. If you don't know what USARK is, you need to find out. The night includes an auction with 100% of the proceeds going to USARK. We ask that vendors and anyone attending the show give something for the auction. Your help will be returned to you as USARK fights for our rights to own and sell herps. For more information on the auction please e-mail me.
- We will accept checks made payable to USARK as donations.
THE AUCTION WILL CONTAIN ADULT LANGUAGE (a lot), VIOLENCE (only a little), AND POSSIBLE NUDITY (only if you're lucky) come and have fun...but you have been warned!!!! This is for adults...children are welcome at your discretion...this is adult fun so be warned!
Promote the interests of the Pet Industry, develop aids to enhance humane and responsible care within the pet industry, represent members on International, National, State and Local policy issues affecting the industry, act as national advocate for the industry on matters of public policy, develop minimum standards for the housing, maintenance, and care of companion pets, sponsor educational programs, provide media relations and maintain a informational clearing-house.
- Provide liaison with and represent the industry before the Congress, State Legislatures, Federal and State regulatory agencies and foreign governments.
- Work with environmental organizations, animal welfare organizations and humane societies in areas of mutual interest.
- Participate in international conferences.
- Emphasize the importance of a pet industry through dissemination of information, testimony, policy positions, media.
- Serve as a reliable national resource for the media, the pet industry and the general public to ensure access to facts on the pet industry.
- Identify emerging problems affecting the trade of, ownership of and well-being of companion animals and make recommendations to respond to such issues.
- Provide liaison with federal, state and local legislative/regulatory bodies.
- Monitor and analyze federal, state and local laws/regulations.
- Alert, inform and educate the industry and the public.
- Sponsors industry certification programs for individuals providing animal care and husbandry.
- Offers in-store training video series and other training materials for pet store personnel.
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North American Reptile Breeders Conference.
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